IBM BPM product is having default database and storing each bit of information of process designing in it. These information has used for analysis and reporting feature. Some out of box features like HAS (Historical Analysis Scenario) and SAS (Simulation Analysis Scenario) are using default data for analysis. Default database comes along with process center and process server. Database could be configured with DB2, Oracle and Sql server.
Each deployment environment has three databases(BPMDB, CMNDB and PDWDB).
- BPMDB (Business Process Management Database) - Also known as process server database, contains database objects for processes server and embedded ECM (IBM BPM Document store).
- CMNDB (Common Database) Also known as shared database, It contains database details for Messaging engine, Business space components and Failed Event Manager.
- PDWDB (Performance Data Warehouse Database ) - Store data for performance and analytics. (e.g. tracking, business data)